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Lokal myndighed
G4, G6 ord G2-serierne tilbyder skræddersyede løsninger til en lang række anvendelser som f.eks. Opsamling af skraldespand, vedligeholdelse af park og have og pasning af offentlige områder.
Goupil har bygget sin succes på sin evne til at imødekomme byernes meget specifikke behov.
Hvorfor vælge Goupil til din by?
De ultrakompakte Goupil-køretøjer, der varierer mellem 1,10 m og 1,50 m brede, og den reducerede svingradius gør det muligt at bevæge sig i byens smaleste og mest utilgængelige gader.
Mange byer, bysamfund, storbyområder, landkommuner har valgt vores elektriske køretøjer, der er udstyret med tilpassede skraldespande til opsamling af omfangsrige affald, kurve eller affald (bybrigader).
Det elektriske køretøj er perfekt tilpasset Stop & Go-applikationer og giver en ergonomisk og sikker løsning til gaderengører. Uden noget ækvivalent med et køretøj af denne størrelse kan den foreslåede lastekapacitet gå op til 1.200 kg. Det er muligt at indsamle tungt affald såsom glas, affald eller murbrokker.
Goupil er også det perfekte 100% elektriske værktøj til vedligeholdelse af grønne områder. Kan udstyres med lavtrykshjul (plænedæk), det kan bruges på græsplæner og blødt underlag. Mange muligheder og udstyr giver dig også mulighed for at tilpasse dette køretøj til dine agenters job: 100% elektrisk bladopsamler, 100% lydløs vanding til en tidlig morgenintervention uden at forstyrre kvarteret...
Goupil er lavet til en ombygget varevogn og er den ideelle partner til at opbygge vedligeholdelsesteam: malere, elektrikere eller blikkenslagere. Det er 100% elektrisk og kan derfor uden gas eller støj nemt komme ind i bygninger til en intervention så tæt som muligt på det nødvendige område. Udviklet sammen med Klubb har vi også en Goupil udstyret med en 10m platform, der tilbyder en sikker løsning til arbejde i højder.
Til de mest krævende anvendelser som at rense graffeti eller vedligeholdelse af gademøbler, kan Goupil udstyres med et højtryks varmtvandsenhed eller et hydrogumming-skrid. Ukrudtsudstyr til varmt vand fås også i 100% elektrisk version. 100% elektrisk version.
I mere end 15 år har Goupil udviklet specialkøretøjer til vores kunder. Vi leverer en nøgle i hånd-løsning, der integrerer de mest effektive og innovative kamre. Tøv ikke med at kontakte vores teams for en personlig undersøgelse.
Our utility vehicles facilitate the management of maintenance operations: with zero CO2 emissions and thanks to their silent operation, Goupil’s allow for operations to be carried out at any time without causing inconvenience for bystanders or residents.
All-purpose vehicles
Converting your vehicle fleet to electric vans guarantees unlimited access to low-emission zones, enabling professionals to carry out their work.
These zones, managed by regional authorities, are set to increase in number in the coming years, both in France and abroad.
Electrifying your car fleet certainly comes at a price, but it also saves you money in the long run: fewer trips to the petrol station and less maintenance help reduce running costs.
Opting for an electric Goupil demonstrates your commitment to sustainable mobility and enhances your image among citizens. It also actively contributes to achieving the carbon neutrality goal set by the State.
With ever more restrictive regulations limiting the use of fossil-fuel powered vehicles, especially in cities, local councils are well advised to look for more sustainable means of transport to carry out their various tasks.
Financial assistance to help with converting to cleaner mobility
The government has implemented a number of measures encouraging the transition from a 100% fossil-fuel powered car fleet to a hybrid – therefore less polluting – vehicle fleet.
Buying or leasing an electric car or utility vehicle offers advantages such as tax benefits and purchase incentives. As fiscal support varies from country to country, remember to enquire about financial assistance in your state.
Goupil, the perfect partner for local authorities
Whether you’re managing maintenance operations in a town, city or conurbation, we offer a wide range of configurations perfect for efficiently supporting council workers in their daily tasks.
The Goupil G4 is the vehicle of choice for local trips.
Its compact size makes it easy to travel without hindering traffic or bystanders. It can weave in and out of narrow streets in town centres or move through bollards for the maintenance of urban areas.
Our utility trucks do not emit CO2 and can therefore be used inside public facilities.
The G4 comes with a variety of configurations: van bodies, load beds, waste collectors… A combined version is also available including a high-pressure washer, a leaf collector or a storage box.
The Goupil G6 is the ideal means of transport for trips in suburban areas or big cities.
The G6 is the best performing model in our range, offering a higher loading volume and a maximum speed of 80 km/h.
The cabin floor design allows for unprecedented body configurations, such as the hydraulic hooklift with mobile container perfect for maintaining parks and gardens.
The G6 refuse collection vehicle with bin lifter is ideal for collecting domestic waste in low-emission zones.
Goupil offers a wide range of lead acid and lithium batteries, with a maximum range of nearly 200 km.
Lithium technology allows the battery to be partially recharged, extending the vehicle's range. To do so, simply plug the vehicle into a charging point at your technical services facilities during your staff’s lunch break.
Alternatively, many restaurants, shopping centres, etc. install charging points in their car parks, available for use at attractive prices.
Specific body options for various applications
An eco-friendly solution for maintaining green spaces
The Goupil is the perfect utility truck for upkeeping green areas. Fitted with low pressure wheels (turf tyres), it can operate on grass and soft ground.
Various options and equipment are available to provide your teams with a vehicle perfectly adapted to their needs: 100% electric leaf collector, 100% silent watering system enabling early morning or late watering operations without disturbing the neighbourhood, hooklift with container for handling ride-on equipment…
Find out more about our solutions for the maintenance of green areas
Choose Goupil for efficient and quiet waste collection operations
Many towns, conurbations and rural communities have chosen our electric vehicles fitted with skips for collecting bulky items or litter.
Developed in partnership with European leader FAUN, the Goupil G6 refuse collection vehicle with bin lifter and shovel offers an all-around high-performing and eco-friendly solution for waste management.
Find out more about our solutions for waste collection
100% electric utility trucks for the maintenance of your facilities
Fitted with a converted box van, the Goupil is perfect for facility maintenance teams: construction painters, electricians or plumbers. 100 % electric, therefore without gas or noise emission, it can easily enter buildings so maintenance staff can step in where needed. In partnership with Klubb, a Goupil equipped with a 10 m aerial work platform offers a safe solution for work at height.
Find out more about our solutions for facility management
We offer a wide of models and equipment suitable for local authorities. At Goupil, we are also aware that every customer is different, and his needs are unique. Our mission is to offer tailor-made solutions that meet these requirements. Do not hesitate to contact our teams for a personalised offer!